Shipment Templates
Shipment Templates are a core part of the Tive Shipment workflow that make it easier to create shipments for commonly used shipping lanes. Templates can provide a standardized way to specify shipping details and alert preset(s) that are used across many shipments.
Creating Shipments with Templates
Creating a shipment with a template is a two step process. First, you will need to retrieve the template data via the list shipment template or retrieve a shipment template endpoint.
"totalRecords": 1,
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 50,
"data": [
"shipmentTemplateId": 1234,
"name": "My Example Shipment Template",
"description": "Shows an example format of a shipment template",
"isDefaultTemplate": false,
"autoCompleteMinutesDelay": 1440,
"customFields": [
"key": "Purchase Order",
"value": null
"shipmentLegs": [
"mode": "Road",
"carrierId": null,
"containerId": null,
"airWaybill": null,
"fromCoordinates": {
"latitude": 42.3807959,
"longitude": -71.0797724
"fromAddress": {
"street": "56 Roland St Suite 100A",
"sublocality": null,
"locality": "Boston",
"state": "Massachusetts",
"country": "United States",
"zipCode": "02129"
"toCoordinates": {
"latitude": 42.3604065,
"longitude": -71.0577624
"toAddress": {
"street": "1 City Hall Square",
"sublocality": null,
"locality": "Boston",
"state": "Massachusetts",
"country": "United States",
"zipCode": "02201"
"orderNo": 1,
"legLabel": "My Custom Leg Name",
"alertPresetIds": [
With the template data in hand, it can subsequently be used for a Create a Shipment endpoint request.
Please note, shipment templates only require a template name and mode for each shipment leg specified for creation. As such, if you are creating a shipment with a template, you will still have to provide any required fields that were not specified in the template as well as a ShipmentId
and shipFromDate
as they cannot be specified on templates.
Additionally, any further changes you make to the request body when creating a shipment will only be implemented on that particular shipment. Customizing shipment details for a particular shipment will not change the template.
To view more details on API shipment creation please visit the Create a Shipment user guide.
Updated over 2 years ago